The Kind of Love We Need

The Kind of Love We Need

If you have love of God, you will not need love from humans. Whether that be any single being outside of your own connection with Source. I promise you, you will not need them. The love that pours down onto us from the infinite wisdom and effulgence from the Divine is all-encompassing and ever-old. We all have the ability to Connect, and yet only so few of us do. Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Lord Krishna, and so many more understood this to a very deep level, and spread the truth, which is the Word of God — unconditional love and compassion — to all those that were alive at the time. Human beings do not need other people. Human beings need God. Of course, other people can be of great help in terms of our spiritual growth, but it is important to remember what all material relationships are trying to mirror — the greatest spiritual relationship of all. Other people do not have the power to hurt us unless we hand it to them. Victim mentality is the most deplorable way we can treat ourselves, as it constitutes of the exact opposite phenomena that the Word of God, for God knows that we are His, and that is universal truth. We cannot be victims, because we are His. It is easier to speak about victim mentality than it is to act on it. To let go of victim mentality, we must replace it with a progressive mentality, one that recognizes that we are the co-creators of our experiences, and that we are always working in tandem with God, whether we are cognizant of it or not. We are ever infinite, always evolving and changing. The kind of love we really need, is equally presented to everyone and is easily accessible at all times. We must actively seek this unconditional love — with faith and enthusiasm.
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